This ground-breaking insight resource explores LGBTQ+ identities, and the complexities faced by the community. These include equality and health inequities, centrally incorporating the influences of stigma, prejudice, and discrimination.

Created by experts in LGBTQ+ wellbeing, Dr Steven Maxwell, and his peers at Wellbeing Insight are an affiliated company with the British LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce and accredited higher education professionals.


Policy and practice support resource series on LGBTQ+ equality/equity, inclusion, and wellbeing, which encompasses:

1: Equality,
2: Mental Health
3: Intimate Partner Violence and
4: Substance Use

Uniquely, the content centres on telling real stories of LGBTQ+ lived experience and focuses on an inter-sectional approach. The resource has three levels of flexible options, including:

Four 30-minute digital courses

Online micro-learning courses, each split into either 10 or 15-minute modules. To engage a wider body of learners, all courses use an interactive approach, with a combination of audio, animation, quizzes, and scenarios.

Four 2-hour interactive workshops

All the digital courses are available as workshops, including the digital course and an in-person or digital face-to-face session Workshops use problem-based learning to foster a more critical understanding and better enable more advanced application into the real world.

Implementation coaching support

Provide organisations with facilitation, coaching and mentoring support in developing, implementing, and/or measuring LGBTQ+ equality and wellbeing resource theme initiatives.


1. Development:
Support in the co-production of organisational policy and procedures that implements measurable and actionable strategies and interventions.

2. Implementaion:
Provide guidance in the implementation of strategies and interventions that promotes a more inclusive, safer, and culturally competent organizational environment and services.

3. Impact:
Support the development and implementation of evaluation of policy and procedural initiatives that are multi method with measurable metrics.



Digital course micro-learning model boosts learner information retention by up to 20% and engagement by up to 50%.


To engage a wider body of learners, all the courses use an interactive approach, with a combination of audio, animation, quizzes, and scenarios.


The flexible course methods and coaching support optimise learners’ knowledge application into policy and practice.


The flexible model options are cost effective and promotes efficiency of organisational time and learner need.

Course Information


LGBTQ+ Awareness and Inclusion


This course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of LGBTQ+ identities, challenges, and the importance of inclusion. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and tools to create an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals.


Evidence shows that 1 in 4 LGBTQ+ employees report experiencing workplace and organisational discrimination. Moreover, 20% of LGBTQ+ individuals have left a job due to an unwelcoming work environment. A more aware LGBTQ+ environment can improve job satisfaction and retention rates while fostering a more representative organisational culture.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:


Gain a foundational understanding of diverse LGBTQ+ people’s identities and their lived experiences.


Will be able to identify common stereotypes and misconceptions about LGBTQ+ individuals and develop strategies to address them.


Develop awareness of the key challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and gain tools for promoting more inclusive environments.


From £10 per person for the full course.

Module 1:
Exploring LGBTQ+ Identities

Participants will learn about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals’ identities. This focus will be on understanding the nuances and unique experiences associated with each identity. Participants will have a solid understanding of the diverse range of LGBTQ+ identities.

Module 2:
Challenging Stereotypes and Misconceptions

Participants will explore common misconceptions and the negative impact they can have on LGBTQ+ individuals. They will also learn key approaches to address these stereotypes. Participants will be prepped to foster more inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Module 3:
Key Challenges and Creating Supportive Environments

Participants will gain awareness of the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals across aspects of life. They will explore the discrimination that can impact LGBTQ+ individuals and learn core tools to foster inclusivity. Participants will be able to implement basic practices that promotes inclusive environments.

Key Audiences

All employs, volunteers, advocates, and community members who are within a role working with others and/or providing services to clients. This includes all personnel within business, public and not for profit sectors. 



Advancing LGBTQ+ Inclusion


This course aims to provide participants with an advanced understanding of LGBTQ+ stigma and support policy which is cultural inclusion. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to develop comprehensive LGBTQ+ inclusion strategies and create an inclusive environment that respects LGBTQ+ individuals.


A least 1 in 3 LGBTQ+ employees remain closeted at work due to fear of discrimination. Studies show that companies with more diverse and inclusive workplaces have 19% higher innovation revenues. In addition, systematic meaningful inclusion policy and leadership improves overall client/workforce wellbeing and can increase productivity.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:


Deepen understanding of intersectional identities within the LGBTQ+ community and address specific challenges faced by different groups.


Identify and overcome systemic organisational barriers and biases hindering LGBTQ+ inclusion.


Better able to develop comprehensive LGBTQ+ inclusion policies and practices that promote holistic cultural inclusion.


From £10 per person for the full course.

Module 1:
Understanding Intersectional Identities

Participants will gain insights into how intersecting identities, such as ethnicity, and disability intersect with LGBTQ+ identities, and how these intersections compound challenges faced by individuals. Participants will learn to recognize and address the unique experiences and needs of different groups within the LGBTQ+ community.

Module 2:
Overcoming Systemic Barriers and Biases

Participants will examine systemic barriers that impede LGBTQ+ inclusion in various contexts. They will explore how institutionalised discrimination perpetuates inequality and learn key strategies to challenge these barriers. Participants will gain practical insights into creating equitable systems that promotes equal opportunities.

Module 3:
Culturally Inclusive Organisational Policies

Participants will explore the essential components of LGBTQ+ inclusive policies, including non-discrimination policies, employee resource groups, and creating safe and affirming spaces within the organisation. Participants will gain knowledge to create comprehensive environments fostering an inclusive organisational culture.

Key Audiences

All employs, volunteers, advocates, and community members who have a role in developing, implementing, and evaluating equality, diversity, and inclusion policy. This includes all seniors and leaders within business, public and not for profit sector.


Introduction to LGBTQ+ Mental Health and Resilience


Our course aims to provide participants with an understanding of LGBTQ+ mental health, the specific challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, and key strategies to promote resilience. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and tools to create a supportive environment that enhances the mental well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.


LGBTQ+ individuals are at higher risk of mental ill health, with LGBTQ+ youth being five times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Moreover, 39% of transgender individuals experience significant psychological distress. Factors such as societal stigma, discrimination, and struggles with identity contribute to these disparities.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:


Understand the unique mental health challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, including stigma, discrimination, and minority stress.


Recognize the signs of common mental health issues within the LGBTQ+ community and understand the importance of inclusive intervention.


Understand key strategies to engage with and promote mental health for members of the LGBTQ+ community.


From £10 per person for the full course.

Module 1:
Understanding LGBTQ+ Individuals Mental Health Challenges

Participants will explore the impact of stigma, discrimination, and social determinants of mental health within the LGBTQ+ community. They will fain insight into the specific challenges and stressors that contribute to mental health disparities in these members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Module 2:
Recognising Mental Health Issues in the LGBTQ+ Community

Participants will learn to identify common mental health issues prevalent in the LGBTQ+ community. They will further understand the unique intersectional factors that may influence LGBTQ+ mental health outcomes and explore key strategies to engage with LGBTQ+ community members the significance of inclusive intervention.

Module 3:
Promoting Mental Health within LGBTQ+ Individuals

Participants will acquire key practical inclusive techniques to engage with different members of the of the LGBTQ+ community. They will explore strategies for creating affirming safe environments that empower LGBTQ+ individuals to thrive and that promotes mental health and well-being.

Key Audiences

All employs, volunteers, advocates, and community members who are in roles supporting LGBTQ+ experiencing mental ill health and/or promoting mental wellbeing. This includes all health and social practitioners, policing, and wider wellbeing services.


LGBTQ+ Intimate Partner Violence


Our course aims to equip organisations, business, policymakers, and their employees with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively identify and support LGBTQ+ individuals experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV).


With 1 in 3 LGBTQ+ individuals experiencing IPV, this is a generally invisible issue. The impact of IPV on LGBTQ+ individuals is exacerbated by unique cultural factors, such as social norms that contribute to difficulties in recognizing oneself as a victim. Studies indicate that up to 45% of those experiencing IPV fear stigma or face discrimination when accessing services.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:


Understand the unique challenges and barriers faced by LGBTQ+ individuals who experience IPV.


Identify indicators of IPV among LGBTQ+ people and understand the different types of abuse and their health impacts.


Engage with LGBTQ+ individuals about IPV in a respectful, inclusive, and sensitive way.


Provide effective support and referral options for LGBTQ+ individuals experiencing IPV.


From £10 per person for one module, or £15 for the full course.

Module 1:
Understanding LGBTQ+ Individuals Mental Health Challenges

Participants will learn about the definition, prevalence, and unique socio-cultural factors of IPV within the LGBTQ+ community. They will also explore the different types of abuse and their health impacts on LGBTQ+ individuals. Participants will be able to recognise risk indicators for LGBTQ+ IPV.

Module 2:
Supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals Experiencing IPV

This module focuses on developing effective strategies to engage with LGBTQ+ individuals about IPV, including inclusive screening and safety planning. They will be able to provide relevant support and referral options and understand the importance of self-care for practitioners working with those affected by IPV.

Key Audiences

All individuals in roles who support adults affected by intimate/domestic abuse or in situations where LGBTQ+ victims may disclose their experiences. It is relevant for those working in safe spaces, social work, healthcare, counselling, advocacy, law enforcement, education, and community services.



Introduction to LGBTQ+ Substance Use


Our introduction course on LGBTQ+ Substance Use aims to provide organisations, healthcare providers, policymakers, and individuals with the necessary knowledge, understanding, and tools to address substance use within the LGBTQ+ community effectively.


Substance use is a significant concern within the LGBTQ+ community, with studies indicating higher rates of substance abuse compared to the general population. LGBTQ+ individuals face unique challenges, such as minority stress, discrimination, and lack of culturally competent care, which contribute to increased substance use and related health issues.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:


Understand the specific risk factors and vulnerabilities contributing to substance use within the LGBTQ+ community.


Recognise the key signs and symptoms of substance misuse in LGBTQ+ individuals.


Understand they key health impacts that affect LGBTQ+ individuals affected by substance misuse.


Employ non-judgmental engagement tools when addressing substance misuse within the LGBTQ+ community.


From £10 per person for one module, or £15 for the full course.

Module 1:
Understanding LGBTQ+ Substance Use

Participants will gain an understanding of LGBTQ+ substance use, including the unique risk factors, prevalence rates, and underlying challenges faced by the community. They will explore the intersectionality of identities and its impact on substance use, as well as the specific health disparities experienced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

Key Audiences

All individuals in working in social work, psychology, healthcare, advocacy, law enforcement, education and anyone involved in support people who use substances. In addition, policymakers, managers, and community leaders responsible for fostering inclusive and effective interventions for substance use.

Module 2:
Recognising LGBTQ+ Substance Misuse

Participants with gain the knowledge to recognize signs and symptoms of substance misuse among LGBTQ+ individuals. They will learn about health implications and inclusive screening tools that address the unique needs of the LGBTQ+ community. Participants will also gain insights into creating an inclusive environment that promotes recovery.

Key Audiences

All individuals in roles who support adults affected by intimate/domestic abuse or in situations where LGBTQ+ victims may disclose their experiences. It is relevant for those working in safe spaces, social work, healthcare, counselling, advocacy, law enforcement, education, and community services.

Benefits to Business, Organisations, and Community


Enhance your knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ inter-sectional identities, challenges, and lived experiences.


Promote a more inclusive and welcoming organisational environment and service provision to for LGBTQ+ individuals.


Improve communication and engagement with LGBTQ+ clients, colleagues, and community members.


members. Enhance your reputation as an LGBTQ+ friendly organisation that attracts and retains diverse talent


Contribute to a more inclusive society by promoting LGBTQ+ equality and acceptance.

Who Our Courses Are For


Businesses and organisations pioneering inclusion and providing safer inclusive spaces for employees, clientele, and the wider community.


Health and wellbeing organisations, social and policing bodies and policymakers that support groups at risk, including LGBTQ+ individuals.


Online educational providers seeking to enrich their curriculum with comprehensive diversity content.


LGBTQ+ individuals and allies championing community awareness and promoting cultural inclusion.



Digital courses begin at £10 for one course.


Blended learning workshops start at £45 per person.


Coaching support for one hour begins at £50.


Tailored bulk purchase rates for all organisations.


Special rates apply for not-for-profit organisations.

Blended Learning Options

The current LGBTQ+ health courses (Mental Health, IPV and Substance Use) can be used as a blended learning model which provides a more in-depth option for critical exploration and knowledge application. This includes the relevant digital course and a half day digital or in-person workshop. Please contact us for further information and bespoke price.  

Consultancy and Bespoke Options

If you would like to advise on educational needs, we offer an initial free consultation. We can develop bespoke education provision that meets the needs of your organisation.

Join us in fostering a more inclusive world for LGBTQ+ individuals.

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